Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pictures Taken From Inside a Car

The pictures of the goats were taken from inside the van that Adam and I ride after school is over. These goats are seen around the area where we teach, often being herded around by their shepherd guy. It's always funny to see them--especially when they're walking along the main roads, eating the landscaping. Here they are on a much more quiet and rural looking road.

Driving through the city. Notice the name of this place--I'm not sure what it means. What are they trying to communicate? "Sanguine Insect"

Oh--CREEPY! I just realized that you can see the reflection of my nails in the window near the bottom of this picture. They look purple and evil...they're actually just manicured.

Tiny little van. It's hard to tell the scale because the picture is was not well-thought out--but I was probably taller than this vehicle. Sort of cute, right?


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