
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Eight is Great

Noah is 8 months old, and I feel the baby-days slipping through my fingers. I went back and looked at Willow's post from when she reached the 8 month marker, and enjoyed reading about what she was like two years ago.

Two years ago! How time is flying.

You might also enjoy 'comparing' Noah and Willow after reading this post. Read about Willow at 8 months here: Eight is Enough

They are actually strikingly similar in looks and development at 8 months old. The only thing Noah is not doing now, what Willow was doing at 8 months, is trying to climb ON TOP of the couch. As far as I am aware, he has yet to attempt that feat for himself. But that's probably because Willow will hand him what he is reaching for.

Up until yesterday, he also wasn't standing up in his crib. Which meant he wasn't reaching his toothbrush, tooth paste, or the wipey container. Willow had been making huge messes with those items by the time she was 8 months. Well, as of yesterday, Noah has continued the tradition of making messes in his bed during nap times. So now I have to hide these items while he's supposed to be sleeping. It really isn't smart to put the changing table next to the crib. You'd think we would have rearranged the furniture by now.

Things I love about Noah at 8 months...

  • He's so chunky, thick, and tubby! Although it breaks my back to lug around a 24 pound baby, at least I get to burn some extra calories in the process. He's so huggable with all his rolls! As Willow says, while squeezing Noah's fat legs, "Noah is squishy-squishy!" 
  • He's so happy! With an even temperament, and a propensity to smile at just about anyone or anything, it's amazing how content this little guy constantly is. I cannot get enough of his cabbage-patch-baby-doll face, his delightful smiles, and myriad styles of laughing. He thinks many things are funny, especially his sister and dad. 
  • He's so cuddly! Enough said.
  • He's so mobile! Gone are the days of the 'butterfly-stroke-crawl'. He's full-on crawling and into everything. At least he hasn't discovered how to open cupboards yet. Not looking forward to that skill being developed. He's pulling himself up on everything--growing some more muscle mass along the way. He's cruising around the furniture, and determined to follow us wherever we go. 
  • He's eager and curious! Noah wants desperately to play with Willow's more advanced toys (who wants baby toys, anyway?), or to get into the trash can, or the wires and cords, or technology. He wants to eat whatever we are eating--and I'm constantly telling Willow to not give him food. On a side note, I also have to save Noah's food from Willow--who thinks she should be able to eat the baby food that is just for him. 
  • He's so excited! When Adam comes home, he's ecstatic. He flails about, waving his arms and kicking his legs, grinning like a little fool--ust waitng to be noticed. He usually is pretty silent though, and waits until Willow is finished shrieking and yelling and talking in her own excited way. Second born issues are real. 
  • He's mischievous! He's already learning and enjoying his role of 'little brother' which he was born to fill. Willow can't stand water on her face during bath time. He makes sure she is repeatedly splashed in the face during their short baths. He pulls her hair, gnaws on her face, and breaks her toys. He puts up with a lot of crap from the sister too. Sometimes, I feel like I'm watching some strange version of mine and Adam's lives on replay. Of course, we were not each other's siblings, but I think it's funny when Willow is bossy to Noah and orders him around. Adam is appalled and runs to Noah's rescue frequently. Adam is Noah's advocate in many ways. 

He's also teething again. The fifth tooth recently popped through, and he has probably three more close to surfacing. He's been waking up so often at night, I am more sleep deprived now than I was during his newborn days. Sometimes he wakes up as many as 8 times. I think he's in pain from teething, and also crawling around in his sleep and waking himself up that way too. It's been an exhausting life, lately.

I love this face, so wondefully and completely.

Willow cannot stand it when I take 'milestone' pictuers of Noah. She HAS to get in on the action. We actually fought quite a lot during Noah's little picture session. It was a debacle.

Noah also learned how to give kisses this month! It's so precious to be the recipient of his little kisses.

I think these pictures of Noah in his stroller with his sunglasses are hilarious. But maybe that's just me....

Noah is eating a variety of food now. I'm making most of his baby food the old fashioned way, which makes me feel a tiny bit proud. Yet another thing that China has taught me to do.

If you would like to pray for Noah, please lift up his nightly sleeping habits. I've literally tried EVERYTHING, and NOTHING is breaking the cycle. I'm praying too; I don't believe anything will change the course except for divine intervention. Also, pray for energy and patience on my part.
You can also lift up Noah's upcoming surgery. We don't know when it will be or who will be the surgeon, at this point. So we are asking the Lord for guidance and wisdom as we seek out His plan for Noah's hand. In any case, we believe the surgery will be sometime this year.

Thank you friends.
Noah sends you a slobbery kiss!

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