
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Three Years

Time flies.

This post is very late in coming, since we celebrated our third anniversary on August 1. It was also a milestone, as far as anniversaries go, because it was our first anniversary together. Last year, we were in two different countries and the year before that we were in two different provinces. Our first anniversary had me so mad at Adam, I didn't talk to him for a while. He was sent on a student development retreat by our school, but he didn't tell me about it until a few days before. Not the 'ideal' first anniversary scenario. Our second anniversary, Adam was getting ready to teach in China, and I was in America trying to sort out Willow's legal document issues so that we could take her to China with us. That was a MESS to say the least and not one my best memories in life. 

So, finally, FINALLY, we were together. 
And, bonus points, we had live-in babysitters.

Tommy and Emma were in the midst of their China visit, so they watched Willow while Adam and I rode our bikes to a Japanese spa to get 59 kuai back massages. Yes, that's right, it's $9.25 for thirty minutes of sheer bliss mixed with a lot of pain as the stress and tension is beat out of you. Kind of like marriage. The massage began comically, since we didn't know what time they opened (we usually go in the evening), we just assumed they would be open by 10. But they weren't. So we were standing outside, thinking about what we should do (correction, I actually walked in the closed spa--before I realized that it was closed) when one of the workers comes biking towards us. She lets us in, asks what we want, and sends us upstairs. We waited for a bit, and then a room was prepared. Some massage therapists who arrived early, started killing the knots in our backs. Probably the best part of this particular massage was that they had the Olympics playing on the tv in our room. We don't pay for tv channels at our house, so hadn't watched any of the Olympic Games yet--it was all in Chinese, but since it was gymnastics it was pretty fun to watch. This started a debate about whether or not gymnastics is a sport. Adam says "no, it's a competition". I disagree. What do you think? This is not a time for wikipedia---

After our cheap, painful, glorious massages, we biked another mile or so to eat at a Japanese restaurant. Accidental theme here. The food was delicious, but we almost didn't have enough cash to pay. Adam hadn't brought his debit card, but he had quite a bit of cash. China is a cash society, and so you have to get used to carrying hundreds or thousands of kuai with you at all times. Anyway, the waitress wrongfully charged us. She handed me a receipt for almost 400 kuai! Even though I couldn't read the characters on the receipt, I went over each item with her and said that it should cost less than 200 kuai. In the end, we only had to pay 150 kuai--which was amazing since I thought they were going to make us wash dishes or hand over our other valuables. She had charged us the all-you-can eat price which is set at nearly 200 kuai per person. Oops. 

With our now left over money, we headed to subway to get some subs for dinner later that day. And then we went to Starbucks where we ordered tasty drinks and dessert. We were so full, but still had to bike home. On the way home, I asked if we should stop at the grocery store to pick up some more wipes (which we were dangerously low on at home). Sign of the times, I guess. Such a romantic way to end a lovely date together. 

The word "date". While we're on the subject. When we were dating, I wouldn't say that we went on dates all the time, but we did go on quite a few. And even when we were just hanging out, it felt special. I hope that as we get old together, that special factor doesn't wear away. I have to remind myself what a privilege it is to be married to my best friend and how it doesn't matter what we do together as long as we with one another. I don't need fabulous dates, or consistent date nights--I just need quality time with my favorite guy. Things like riding bikes together or grabbing coffee seem ordinary to me now. But there was a time when getting coffee with Adam was exhilarating. It makes me smile to remember those days, and how quickly my life has changed in the six years since we met each other. But I don't miss those exhilarating days. I'm glad we had them, but I'm excited about growing into a more harmonious and hopefully more mature couple. We still love each other, still 100% committed to one another, and that is a lovely thing. 

I'm so glad that you asked me to be your wife, Adam Johnson. I'm thankful for you every day, and amazed by how our Father has been faithful through all the valleys He has brought us through. It's been a crazy three years, and you've been worth every good, bad, and ugly minute we've shared together. I love you! If I could marry you again, I would in a heart beat! Especially if I could have a pinterest wedding. ;) 

My heart sings with gratitude to the All Powerful Creator--for bringing us together, protecting us through terrible storms, upholding us through major transitions, and causing us to learn more about true love, sacrifice and unconditional respect. Thank you, Father for bringing us this far. Help us to bring glory to your name--and bless the future years to come.

I would also like to submit the following picture as evidence. Because three years is obviously not long enough to forget that Adam left me at the church after our ceremony and went to the reception without me. I will always give you a hard time about that, Adam. 


  1. You guys are so sweet! Praise God for blessing you both with 3 yrs of marriage. It's definitely a crazy ride but I would do it again in a heartbeat too!! I pray that it gets even sweeter for the both of you!! Love you guys!!

  2. Wow! Julie, you look so petite in that first picture! You go girl. Happy Anniversary!
