
Sunday, August 26, 2012


Currently, we have one bag (8oz) of milk in the fridge, ten eggs, and a lot of condiments in the fridge. There is only ice cream in the freezer. No fruit, no veggies, and I just realized that the bread was moldy. We have garlic and sprite on the counter. What does this mean? I need to go grocery shopping! Usually this is Adam's job. He calls it, "hunting and gathering". But, he hasn't been feeling well all weekend, so it falls upon me.


Adam and I are still taking turns running throughout the week. One person watches Willow and the other person exercises. We say that our reward will be a trip to Thailand this Christmas.


The weaning process is beginning. Or, I should say that it already has begun. Willow is down to nursing four times a day--although sometimes she somehow manages 6 feedings. Except for early in the morning and right before she goes to sleep for the night, she is not nursing very much in quantity. Just a few minutes. So, I'm taking this as a sign to remove one more feeding. I'm going for the mid-morning pre-nap feeding because this is most convenient for me as far as pain goes. Weaning is painful! I have this subconscious fear that I will get mastitis again and experience another abscess. I catch myself thinking that avoiding the weaning process might be better, and then I wouldn't have to deal with Willow wanting to nurse and not being able to. But then I remind myself that that means nursing forever. Ok. So that's not going to happen. At the very latest, I would like her to be completely weaned by December. I look forward to it, but it's sad at the same time.


I've been watching "Alias" lately and loving it! I'm already on the second season and am totally hooked. I've seen the occasional episode before, but never watched them in order before. I love Jennifer Garner! We still like our go-to shows like "Myth Busters", "White Collar", and "Family Matters". I think "White Collar" is influencing Adam, since he just had a custom pin-striped suit made and he asked if he could wear a fedora with it.


I read a book last week. Reading books shouldn't happen too much around here. When I read, I have to go all out. That means reading every spare minute, and reading from 7pm-2am. Which means, getting only a few hours of sleep. Anyway, I read an excellent book, "Shanghai Girls" and totally recommend it. There are some graphic and traumatic scenes, so read with discretion.


Adam finished his first full week of teaching, this past week. He seems to be doing well with everything, and enjoying the experience of this being his fourth year. He wore his new pin stripe suit to the school's Open House on Friday night. He and Willow are as crazy as ever when they play together. Willow is so happy every day when Adam gets home.


Willow is doing extremely well. Right now she has quite a few mosquito bites, but she still hasn't figured out that she can itch them. She understands quite a lot of English now, and I can't even create a list of phrases she comprehends anymore. It's quite a lot! We've had to start spelling words like "out", "cookie", and other keywords that she is obsessed with. She can now meow like a cat, and her new word is 'cookie'. She says it deep in her throat, like she is clearing it or gargling. It's pretty funny. I'm finding that a lot of her baby-talk is starting to develop into a Willow-Language. If you listen closely, it's not just a steady stream of phonemes, but sometimes there are 'words' mixed in there that she mispronounces. She has also started nodding her head 'yes' to answer questions. Yesterday, I asked her if she wanted to take a nap, and she nodded 'yes'. Sure enough, she was happy to take her nap. Right now, however, she is yelling in her crib as she tries to settle down. She's probably thinking, "you forgot to nurse me! Crazy lady"

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