
The Johnsons

Welcome to The Other Side! 

Where exactly is the 'other side'? 
Here's a little information to get you caught up on our lives.


  • We are a family of four! Adam, Julie (me), Willow and Noah. 
  • We are in our sixth year of living in China, and working at Shenyang International School
  • Adam teaches middle school social studies, high school conceptual physics, and middle school student council. Over the years, he has coached high school or middle school teams in soccer, volleyball, basketball, and even rugby at SYIS.
  • Julie taught third grade for two years and established a secondary theater program, directing four productions (The Secret Garden, Treasure Island, Little Women, and Pygmalion). After Noah's birth, it became obvious that becoming a full time stay at home mom was the best  possible decision. 
  • Willow was born on July 8, 2011 and has been a lesson in the Lord's sovereignty. 
  • Noah was born on August 7, 2013 and has been a reminder of God's peace. 

Snap Shot 
  • Adam enjoys playing with his kids, teaching middle school, reading military non-fiction, playing computer games, playing basketball, coaching soccer, watching football and rugby, peanut butter, traveling, staying active, helping others, watching Top Gear or Rhett and Link or Doctor Who, and being at his parent's farm. 
  • Julie enjoys being a mom to Willow and Noah, reading historical fiction, playing piano, tidying their small apartment, shopping at markets, dramatic pursuits, blogging, photography, new recipes, teaching, scrap booking, costume research, character development, going to the spa for massages, and spending time with Adam. 
  • Willow enjoys playing outside, running errands with her dad or mom, riding the subway or bus, playing games on the iPad, coloring pictures, sculpting with play-doh, and helping in the kitchen with cooking or baking. She loves visiting her grandparents' homes in America, riding on tractors, 4-wheelers, boats, or small roller coasters. Her vocabulary is growing everyday, even adding some Chinese to the mix. She loves to go on coffee dates, get manicures, and swing by the river. She's silly, strong-willed, dramatic, and sassy (i.e. a handful). 
  • Noah enjoys playing with his sister and parents, bike rides, visiting his family in America, eating food, reading books, playing with balls and books, and dancing. Noah is obsessed with obtaining technology and doesn't understand why he isn't allowed to have his own lap top, iPad, or smart phone. He like animals (except for horses), playing outside, and taking huge risks. His speciality is destruction of personal property, huge belly laughs, sweet cuddles, and copy-cat behavior.  He's a peaceful, mellow, and extremely happy sort of guy.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done. I learned at bit more about each of you. Our house is filled with Dr. Who fans too. Thanks for sharing. Cousin Shelly also on the other side
