
Wednesday, July 31, 2013


What is a 'babymoon'? A little getaway, like a honeymoon on repeat, before a baby comes along.

It feels like we've finally gotten to a place in our lives where we could leave Willow overnight and not feel worried that she was doing okay with babysitters. Then, boom, we're expecting another baby.

We've been getting ready for the arrival of our little guy, but not everything entails shopping and laundry. Some things are getting my extremely dirty wedding/engagement rings cleaned and checked. Apparently, three of the diamonds in my engagement ring were loose, so I am relieved that they were tightened back into place. Look how sparkly! Adam did such an amazing job picking out these rings. I like to admire them every day...STILL!!!

My mother-in-law took me out for a pedicure too--I now have blue toe nails in anticipation of a boy.
On a larger scale, we went to Chicago last week for two days and a night. It was fun to be in the city again, where we actually enjoyed beautiful weather (sunny, breezy, cool) considering it's the month of July. Adam's parents and grandparents were attending a sod conference (Turf Producers International) at the historic Drake hotel in downtown Chicago---so that's where we got to stay!

We felt pretty out of place in this swanky hotel! It overlooks Oak Street Beach, which is where Adam and I spent many hours during our Moody days, and where he proposed to me in 2008.

I love these old fashioned mail drops. Reminds me of my mom's old office building in Chicago...I think. Or at least some old buildings in Chicago that I have distant memories of dropping envelopes down.

After checking-in, we took a walk down the Magnificent Mile. Adam wanted to check out the Apple store. I wanted to shop the sales at the Gap. And I also wanted to walk. I've been trying to exercise every day the past few weeks--all to encourage labor, of course.

Adam is such a cute dad. He picked out some outfits for Willow.

We stopped at the Grand Lux Cafe for a late lunch.

I have to say that this caramel macchiato was probably the best I'd ever had. It was so sinfully delicious. One of the main reasons we stopped at this restaurant in particular was Adam's desire for hot beignets dusted with powdered sugar.

Spicy food was on my list of things to eat. Enchiladas, so nice and hot!
Adam ordered tacos with a Korean theme. The tortillas were filled with bolgoki and kimchee. The sauce was gochijon....I have no idea how to spell these things. Just be assured that they were spicy and memorable.

Later, there was a banquet for TPI, which we were also included in. Adam grew up attending sod conferences here and there. I felt like I had a hundred questions to ask him about sod conferences while we were there. It was also funny to hear snippets of strangers' conversations on elevators or lobbies that were turf related. In my experience, the Johnsons are the only sod farmers I've ever met. The conference was a clear picture of how large a community it actually is, and on an international scale too. 

On the very left is Adam's grandma Johnson, and on the very right is Adam's grandfather.
The couple in the center are old friends of the Johnsons and fellow farmers. 

Adam and his grandfather, Raymond Johnson. His grandfather is a past president of TPI. He is an incredible testimony of God's faithfulness and we look up to him in numerous ways. We respect the influence he has had on his family for the glory of God. Adam's grandparents pray for us every day--they are a true encouragement and support to us. Adam's love for his Grandma and Grandpa Johnson is very deep, so I can't help loving them too!

The next day, we ate a delicious brunch and then took a trip to the beach.

My blue toe nails.
And Adam trying to clean his feet off. He strongly dislikes sand.

This picture is entitled, "Ballistic Missile". 

Otherwise known as, "What-Julie-Looks-Like-When-38-Weeks-Pregnant". 

The flower arrangement in the main lobby were enormous...and REAL. I couldn't believe how tall and wide it was--and how non-artificial it was.

Heard that the royal family left St. Mary's hospital while we were in Chicago. For me, as a very pregnant woman who admires the fashion and class of the Duchess, I was so impressed with her appearance. She could have done so many things to avoid the press altogether, or to hide her post-pregnancy body...but she didn't! She is a beautiful woman, but even she looks 6 months pregnant the day after delivering a baby. I loved that she was confident in front of the world. She resisted the pressure to be the the image of what the world defines as beautiful or perfect. Instead, she was a beautifully perfect mommy, who beamed with joy.

 She boosted my body image issues without saying a single. Thank you, Kate!

Can I also say that I love how the British say, "Delivered of a son"....? I love it!
I want to be delivered of a son! 
I literally need to be rescued from my son. 
My body might rip apart if I am not delivered of this son soon.

Loved this post by Ann Voskamp about being "delivered" of our children. A great reminder and encouragement about the 'letting go' that makes motherhood so challenging and wonderful. The minute we deliver a baby, the letting go begins. I HIGHLY recommend reading this blog post. Please do it. 

"You aren’t wasting your life – when you aren’t wasting opportunities to love like Christ.There are a thousand ways to be stretched thin and it’s the stretchmarks that a soul wears gratefully that can be these thin places -- that give us more of God."  -Ann Voskamp

Adam's parents and grandparents returned with us to the Grand Lux...because Adam cannot get enough of the beignets and needed to share his passion for deep fried pastries with his family.

Real orchids growing along the sidewalks on Michigan Avenue. Orchids are one of my top favorite flowers!

In honor of Willow's obsession, and as proof that she is never far from our thoughts...we took a picture with life-sized-Lego-made Woody.

Chicago skyline, made out of Legos...reminds me of Brad and all his model projects he works on for architectural school.

I am ashamed to say that I took this picture. I a tourist. Yep, that's the Hancock, and I took a picture of it.

We had such a fun time downtown! We are so thankful that Adam's parents included us; they are extremely generous! I am also thankful that Willow had fun with my family while we were away (thanks Mom, Tommy, and Emma). 

Most of all, I enjoyed spending time with Adam, enjoying the weather, the sights, the tastes, and the memories of Chicago. A great 'babymoon' and an early anniversary celebration. 

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