
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Visit from the Past

Adam brought home two new external hard drives a few weeks ago, so now we have four altogether. Does that seem excessive? Maybe not, in this digital age. One is a whole terabyte and we're going to use it for our pictures. Backing pictures up feels fantastic. 

Speaking of pictures. I was looking through old pictures on our old external hard drive. Pictures that I took with my tiny camera which didn't take high quality pictures so most are discolored and blurry. But it's still fun to look at the images and try to remember what in the heck was going on. I saw some people that I didn't remember anymore--and that was strange. 

Anyway, I spent the afternoon pouring over 'old' pictures and letting the memories wash over me until they were just trickling down in tiny droplets. I forget easily. Six years does not sound like a long time ago to me. But my life six years ago was infinitely different. If you told me six years ago that I would be living in China, married, a stay at home mom, and blogging up a storm---I would have slapped you in the face and told you to stop talking crazy-talk. On another dramatic note, when I thought I could possibly be diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, one of the comforts I found was in knowing how much I've gotten to do in such a short amount of time. I don't think many people my age can say they went to college to pursue a major they enjoyed, studied abroad, got married, traveled the world, loved their profession, became a parent and loved that even more. Despite my small scale 'suffering', I've had a great life so far. Not to boast or anything, I'm just so thankful for each blessing. I've been drowning in blessings. 

Here's a few pictures. I might include some more later, just for fun. 

Chelsey and David McNeil's Wedding in 2008. 

I thought this was a unique moment. I think they were Mennonites---since they arrived in a car and ate at McDonalds. Adam thought I was very inappropriate for taking this picture.

Back in the day, when my hair was colored.

Adam is a natural athlete. He liked to play on the intramural teams at college and was always picked to play on the all-star team at the end of the year for the big end-of-season flag football game. It was called the North South Bowl. He was speedy and strong.

Posing for pictures afterwards.

My 20th birthday in 2007

I traveled to New Mexico for Lynsey's wedding (freshman roommate)

Some videos from the North South Bowl.

First video is of the final play in the game, when Adam's team won.
Second clip is from the beginning of the event when they were announcing the players.

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