
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sneak Peak

Coming soon on this blog!

I've some posts I've been working on and just don't want to be finished. One mini series is about becoming a mom and choosing to stay at home and forego teaching. It should be interesting.

And then, there's an ongoing series that I've been wanting to start for quite some time. I think I'm going to call it, "The Thing I Saw" or "I Spy with My Little Eye" but it will mainly be about all the random, crazy, interesting things around China that I'm constantly seeing and logging away in my head. I need some place to store these humorous sights so that I can actually remember them. Everyday I see something and think, "I have to write about that!" But I almost never do...and so it's lost forever. But I know you would enjoy hearing these little tidbits, and there's a never ending supply of inspiration---so I'm going to try a weekly series about these sightings, conversations, and mini experiences that I have in China. Sometimes they last for only a second or two, but they are just so China.

There are also a few book reviews coming along from books I read last week. If I ever get a chance to finish those.

Also have a few posts lined up with pictures of Willow's recent domestic pillaging. She is a disaster around the house! I don't mind at this point, because she's just hard core exploring. But eventually, she's going to have to pick up after herself.

Right now, she's sitting next to me and tearing apart a roll of toilet paper, one square at a time. I chose my battles.

Finally, there may be some guest writers and interviews being posted here from fellow bloggers. Also, if you are interested in being a guest writer, or being interviewed on this blog, let me know! I would love it.

Today, I get to take pictures of a newborn for fun! I'm really excited. Maybe I will post some highlights from our picture time together.

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