
Monday, June 11, 2012

Dancing through Life

A little video of Willow and Maddy dancing together while we  were out together last week. We sure will miss Maddy and her great family!


because i forgot to hit 'publish' 

Yesterday was very full. Adam took care of Willow in the morning so that I could sleep in a little. Then he went grocery shopping and returned with diapers and a bladeless fan. It's pretty cool looking--I'm probably the last person to have seen a bladeless fan! It's for Willow's room, since it's starting to get very stuffy. And now I don't have to worry about her getting her fingers cut off in the fan! After that, Adam went out to play basketball with some of the high school guys and alumni of the school. When he returned, we at lasagna with a friend and talked about next school year. After that, is was around 8pm, but Adam had to pack for Beijing. He packed his suitcase, I made him some cookies, and then he went to say goodbye to his friend Nathan. We were in bed by midnight, but it felt like a long day! Adam had to be up by 5:30 in the morning so that he could catch the train to Beijing. There are several other people from our school taking the same classes as Adam, but they were all flying and then getting picked up at the airport. Adam was the only one attending from our school having to take the train. Once he arrives in Beijing, he will have to walk, subway, and taxi before he can get to the location where his classes will be held. He's hoping to be there by dinner time. Don't ask me whether it's 'fair' or not. I have to remind myself that fairness is not everyone getting the same thing. But still...if I'm confused about it, it doesn't help.

I might as well get on a little rant right now. I hate inconsistency. This is not to say that I am perfect in this area. Far from it, I know I sometimes place unfair expectations on others and maintain impossible double standards. Perhaps it falls under that, "I hate being told what to do" category, but it really irks me something awful when situations are inconsistent. I suppose it's part of this fallen world, and I will always be frustrated, disappointed, and confused by inconsistencies. There's really not a better way to say it---inconsistencies suck.

Willow and I sojourned to fellowship without Adam today. She's taking a snooze now and I'm enjoying a break from the toils of an eleven month old. She is walking a lot today too. Goodness gracious. I am making a prediction that by the time Adam returns she will no longer be crawling because she will prefer getting around on her own two feet. Just in time for air travel...yes.

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