Friday, January 13, 2012

6 one way & half a dozen the other

Well, I sort of failed on posting this on time, and am about ten days late on this post. Oops! We've been so busy playing and visiting our friends and families in America that I have not focused on blogging at all. I look forward to posting lots once we're back in Shenyang next week and I'm finding myself up at all hours with jet lag and my sleepless Willow.
But the point of this particular post is to record and track Willow's development. I can't really remember what she was doing exactly ten days ago, so I'll just write about what she's up to currently.

Physical Development
  • Six pearly whites
  • Sitting confidently
  • Passing toys from hand to hand
  • Patting everything (loves the noise and stimulation)
  • Lunging at everything--we have to be careful with this one because it doesn't matter if she's being held, playing on the floor, or on a bed/chair/couch.
  • Pulling herself up on whatever she can (the sides of chairs, coffee tables, crib rails, etc.)
  • Still likes to stand on her tip toes and takes "long" strides when she "walks" around with someone's help
  • to put everything in her mouth--licks, chews, and bites on everything. This includes toys, non-toys, and all categories in between.
  • pounding on the piano keys
  • drinking water out of a cup
  • snuggling with mommy
  • playing wild with daddy
  • being naked and free--literally squeals and laughs whenever she is unencumbered by clothing
  • taking car rides
  • watching short clips of Sesame street
  • TECHNOLOGY!!! She is super attracted to phones, ipads, ipods, computers, remotes, and anything with flashing lights or buttons.
To move all the time
  • to walk by herself
  • to eat grown-up food--she stares longingly at whatever people are eating
  • electronics
  • mommy
  • everything in her mouth
  • apple juice
Dislikes, Emphatically Hates....
  • Eating baby food
  • taking baths in large tubs
  • going to bed at a decent time
What's Next...
  • Clapping (loves to flap her arms up and down...getting there!)
  • Waving hello and goodbye (getting close! she will mirror waving sometimes)
  • Using her sippy cup efficiently
  • Accept her baby food
  • Become more confident with crawling and getting back into the sitting position from crawling.
  • Talking?????

Willow is such a sweet, lovable, friendly baby. It is hard not to squeeze and kiss her chubby cheeks all day long! I can't resist her chubby cuteness! She wakes up in the happiest moods every morning. Her eyes pop open and she is instantly smiling and moving around so happy to be alive and eager to play. I love that about her. I wish I had that kind of energy and attitude in the morning!

We've made lots of great memories during this month, and I can't wait to share a little more about them. I also need to write about Willow's bad experience with baby food, which has been causing some issues. Willow needs her six month immunizations and I need to speak to her doctor about the eczema that has started to appear on her arms, legs, and back. Next week we head back to China and I am absolutely DREADING the plane ride. It was ROUGH on the way to O'Hare, and our return trip will probably be worse! Our travel itinerary is far from ideal.

And of course...we love her more than ever.
