
Saturday, October 15, 2011


So, when I was still pregnant, another woman who has been a mom for a while gave me some good advice. She said that once my baby was born, I should lower the expectations that I might have for myself during the day. One or two simple goals. I've really taken that to heart, and maybe it makes me a little lazy, but I don't expect too much out of each day. Take a shower. Make something to eat. Play with Willow. Maybe work on Little Women (our next play!). Just trying to keep things simple because there's no reason to stress out about what I want to get done. This mentality has kind of taken over even more since my mom and sister left. Life is so different these days. It's nonstop, but instead of having a million things on my checklist, I have just a few---and I love spending time with little Willow. She's a lot of fun to hang out with, even if she can't speak, we have lots of interesting conversations.

International Day was fun to attend. Lots of yummy food, familiar faces, and entertaining sights. Adam had to dance at one of the exhibits, and Willow did not like that at all. It sounded like she was laughing at first, but then I realized she was yelling in....fear/anxiety? Adam. She was totally disturbed by his Chinese dancing!

Right now it's Saturday night and we're trying to keep Willow awake a little longer--perhaps foolishly skipping a nap--so that she can fall asleep earlier tonight. We'll give her a bath soon to keep her awake and also tire her out even more...Her teeth are still coming up and causing her lots of discomfort. She loves to chew on her burp cloths.

Relatively boring post. Nothing really to report--but at least I accomplished my goal of posting this picture! :)


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