
Thursday, October 7, 2010

October Holiday

Here in Shenyang, this week is a break from work in honor of the 61st anniversary of the People's Republic of China. This means that there is no school for us for a whole week! One of the advantages of teaching at an international school is that you get to celebrate both Chinese and American holidays! The first five days of break, we were in Beijing for a teachers conference. Because we were busy with the conference most of the time, we did not do many tourist activities. It was a very busy week for Beijing anyway--there were a lot of people in the city to celebrate their Golden Week. After the conference was over, we did go to the Silk Market to make some purchases. We ended up buying another suitcase as well because we had accumulated so much stuff throughout the conference and shopping around.

All in all, it was a fun, and long, weekend. We were reminded of many good things during the conference, ate lots of good food, and shopped at a foreign imports store. Here are a few pictures.

Adam at a Starbucks in Beijing. Drinking his sweet, chocolate frappecino.

Adam's food at Peter's one night---spicy peppers stuffed with cheese and chicken (I think).

One side of the table, at Peter's.

The other side of the table.

My food....chicken sandwich.

Picture of one of the aisles in the foreign import store. Look at all the choices for boxed mixes! Lots and lots of choices.

The cheese selection at the foreign import store. So many choices!

At the banquet at the ISC conference. Look how cute Maddy is!

Ok, this picture is not the greatest, but you can see our room a little bit. For some reason that we cannot understand, we were somehow placed in a very nice suite at the hotel where the conference was being held. We had a two story room. There was a living-room and bathroom on the first floor and a bedroom and bathroom on the second floor. Very cool!

Adam's shoes that his mom sent him. They are a little odd--he gets lots of comments about them from both the foreign and national communities here. Ironically, we saw several pairs being sold at the Silk Market in Beijing. There were different colors for men, women, and small children--how funny is that? Adam was tempted to buy another pair. Everyone wants to know whether or not he is wearing toe socks as well.

(btw...that is not my foot above, just in case you were wondering)

Did you ever wonder where all the Sizzlers went? Apparently they migrated to China.

Silk Market entrance.

Can you see Adam? Probably not, but he IS there somewhere. Trying to pick-out a watch since he broke his a few weeks ago.

How about now...Can you see Adam?

Adam was tempted to buy white loafers--not seen in this picture--but decided not to in the end. Oh brother.

One of our friends bartering for shoes at the Silk Market.

Adam discovering the toe-shoes.

She was asking for too much money.

Had to buy another suit case as well because we had accumulated so much stuff at the market, foreign import store and conference.

Waiting to meet up with friends after our shopping experience.

Went out to the Outback Steak House for another friend's birthday dinner.


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