
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are

3rd Grade
Pictures from my classroom...still in progress.

So, I don't really know why I took such a horrible picture of this particular corner of my room, but it's one of the only one that shows this reading rug and storage area. Many of the things in my classroom are left over props from "The Secret Garden", which I decided to use in my classroom since I wasn't able to get reimbursed for them. The dividing screen on the left side of this picture is one of those props.

Opposite side of the room. Another reading rug, the classroom library, CAFE wall, community supplies, construction paper and graphic organizers (hiding behind the easel), magnetic word wall....

Adam...telling me it's time to leave school. Also notice the classroom jobs on the door, the cubbies for students' backpacks, the homework mailboxes and turn-in bins. There is also another small reading rug to on the left side (which you can't see...I'm a brilliant photographer).

Very out-of-date globe, and treasure box (another Secret Garden prop) are on top of our supply and manipulative shelf. I think that if I had more money to spend right now, I would buy uniform bins for all of my supplies and library books. I can't stand how they are all so different and beat-up. Wicker chair (behind the small table with loads of stuff on it--can't see it very well!) is another prop. Red art caddies on each table group for shared supplies (crayons, markers, pencils, erasers, glue, behavior management cards, scissors) because I got tired of students loosing their materials.

Still working on this area. Have to go through the hanging file folders and get them ready for new students' portfolios. I still need to finish the back of this bookshelf as well. I'm painting it with magnetic paint, and then hoping to go over it with white-erase board paint. Hopefully, I will have a magnetic white-erase board on the back of this entire bookshelf. How cook is that? It will be used for making words/phonics activities/centers. Computer center still under work as well.

The picture above is from earlier this week when my classroom was still very messy. I worked more on tidying and cleaning dusty surfaces today. China is very dusty.
Below, a picture of my reward center which is not yet finished. Might also turn into a writing station if I can create some more wiggle room around all the desks.

Messy classroom from several days ago.

My experience preparing for this year of teaching is remarkably different from last year's! It is amazing to me how much I have left to do despite all that I have accomplished already! I'm also amazed that I survived teaching last year without having had time to organize, arrange, or plan prior to the first day that I taught (which was actually on the third day of school). I feel very blessed and thankful to have time to set-up this year. It's a lot of work, but well worth it. I think that I will be ready by the first day of school. We have teacher in-service on Monday-Wednesday starting this coming week. On Monday, I will attend our orientation meetings, and then head to the PSB with Adam and one of our school's administrative employees so that we can renew our work visas. I remember getting our work visas last year--we had to apply for them during the school day--it was overwhelming and I was nervous we would be denied.

It has been great getting to know our new staff members for the last two weeks, and to spend time with our friends in Shenyang once again.

As I prepare myself for another year of teaching, I am.....Excited. Nervous. A little more prepared than I was yesterday.

Just a five more days!


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